This is Felipe.
He just finished a run.
His Google search leaves
a digital footprint.
Every day, people leave
Open Source footprints like this.
Following this trail reveals
Like people trying to do good
insights into human behaviour.
...but feeling worse.
these searches
peak in january...
New Year’s Resolution
Like people trying to do good
...but feeling worse.
these searches
peak in january...
New Year’s Resolution

Head pain is invisible and very hard for scientists to study. We know many causes of head pain, but Synthesis revealed the connectedness and different cultures of headaches based on millions of consumers experiences, captured in the moment.

Synthesis’ magic is revealing something you couldn't see before, but it becomes immediately obvious once you see it.

They helped our innovation team understand head pain in a new way and unlocked opportunities across the category.

Mark Manning
Global Design Innovation Lead at GSK

Join the growing community partnering with Synthesis to expose insight and growth opportunities.

Unboxing Men: Masculinity in Crisis
How are ideas of masculinity evolving? How should brands respond? Synthesis Audiences share strategies to connect, based on analysis of 80 million consumers.
Download the Report
Menu 2034: The Future of Food
Humanity stands at a crossroads: Radical Transformation or Resilient Adaptation? Synthesis Futures reveals the 2034 food landscape and how today’s choices shape our tomorrow.
Download the Report
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